
Two Southeast Asian on the List of Rough Guides "The Most Beautiful Country in the World"

Two Southeast Asian on the List of Rough Guides "The Most Beautiful Country in the World"
Natural beauty of Halong Bay in Vietnam. © National Geographic Kids

Who doesn't know the Rough Guides? Periodically, this travel publisher make ratings for favorite tourist sites. On February 2014, it announced "20 Most Beautiful Country in the World", by asked their readers to vote.

Now they are just updating the list on September 4, 2017. Surprisingly, one of Southeast Asia country is voted on the best 10, while the other one is on 20. Here they are!

Number 20: Vietnam

Readers choosing this country, as the natural beauty. From the rocky cliff of Halong Bay, to the paddy field overlay in Sa Pa give the best scenery of Vietnam's beauty.

Keterangan Gambar (© Pemilik Gambar)
Terraced fields in Vietnam. © Finnair

Number 6: Indonesia

This country impressing the Rough Guides readers by it's natural landscapes and varied cultures. The wealth of archipelago sites, mountains and heritage makes the beauty of Indonesia.

Keterangan Gambar (© Pemilik Gambar)
Prambanan Temple, one of UNESCO heritage stage in Indonesia. © The Golden Scope

From the top 10 list, there's only one country from each continent of Asia, America, Africa and Oceania, while the rest are in Europe. Scotland is voted as Number 1, with the beauty of beaches, lochs and castle. See the complete list of 2017 Rough Guides The Most Beautiful Country in the World here.

Adriani Zulivan

Menjadi tim hore pers mahasiswa tingkat jurusan, fakultas dan universitas di Universitas Gadjah Mada. Selama 13 tahun jungkir balik pelajari dunia komunikasi sambil bekerja. Benci losyen dan bulu More mata anti badai. Wisatawan tetap pasar tradisional. Bahagia jika mendapat kopi dan kain khas nusantara. Jatuh cinta pada pusaka Indonesia. Bersama Elanto Wijoyono membangun Indonesian Heritage Inventory (IHI) Memasang telinga pada isu sejarah, lingkungan, perkotaan, disabilitas, media digital dan kesejahteraan mahluk lucu bernama hewan. Mengatakan tidak pada rokok dan segala kegiatan terkait industri candu tersebut. Menahan diri untuk tidak makan di PKL yang berdagang di pedestrian, malu kalau "dilihat" teman tuna netra. Kecepatan membeli buku tidak berbanding lurus dengan kecepatan membaca buku. Sedang melakukan proyek beberes dan mengurangi sampah pribadi, terutama plastik. Pandai menulis dan menjahit menjadi cita-cita terbesar yang entah kapan terwujud. Mencintai Yogyakarta, namun (masih) bermukim dan menjadi TKW di Jakarta. Pengguna tetap media sosial, yang sering lupa membalas komentar. Less
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