
When The Creator of Deadpool Amazed to Indonesian Movie Director

When The Creator of Deadpool Amazed to Indonesian Movie Director
Robert Liefeld, the creator of Deadpool (source : io9 - Gizmodo)

Anyone in this world is definitely know Deadpool, the anti-hero with power to regenerate his body parts and cure his cancer or in short Deadpool can't die . What makes Deadpool famous is it’s story line and the character of Deadpool himself. Ever since Deadpool 1 which was directed by  Tim Miller released in the cinema, Deadpool became one of the “must watch” list. This success cannot be separated with the amazing play of Ryan Reynolds who makes Deadpool character looks very alive.

Talking about Deadpool movie, we obviously can see many brutal actions. Well, that is what makes Deadpool movie different with any other superheroes movie or anti-heroes movies.

In term of brutal actions in Deadpool movies (Deadpool 1 and Deadpool 2), Robert Liefeld, as the creator of the Deadpool is amazed with Timo Tjahjanto who was the director for the movie “The Night Comes for Us’.  In October 19th he tweeted :

The creator of Deadpool is so amazed with Timo Tjahjanto (source : @roberliefeld)
The creator of Deadpool is so amazed with Timo Tjahjanto (source : @roberliefeld)


“Give Timo Tjahjanto ALL the money for Deadpool 3 !!! Holee mother of God, I have seen the future of action films and it is  TIMO TJAHJANTO !!”

It seems that Robert Liefeld filled with enthusiasm since he knows the movie The Night Comes for Us which played in Netfix was full of brutal actions, violence  martial arts and of course, bloody scenes. Robert wants the Deadpool 3  full of blood scenes just like Timo’s creation.

Timo, then responded Robert’s tweet with ;

Timo responded to Robert's tweet (source : video)
Timo responded to Robert's tweet (source : video/ @timobros tweet)


“Thank you Robert, Truly honored.”

Talking about the possibility of Timo to directing Deadpool 3, Timo must compete with David Leitch who was the director of Deadpool 2. BUT, this doesn't mean that Timo cannot be the director of Deadpool 3 since his capability to make a great movie such as Headshot, Macabre, Sebelum Iblis Menjemput and etc. is undoubtable

Will Timo be director of Deadpool 3 ? let’s see and wait.



souce : | @robertliefeld | @timobros

Adli Hazmi

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