Yeo Bee Yin is a person who matters to the environment, according to scientific journal Nature Research.
The Energy, Technology, Science, Climate Change and Environment Minister was named in "Nature's 10", a list that celebrates 10 people who mattered this year.

It highlighted Yeo's efforts to reform the electricity market and her battle against plastics pollution, which parallels an escalating global concern over single-use plastics.
"On Oct 31, Yeo launched a 12-year roadmap and legal framework towards eliminating single-use plastic in Malaysia by 2030, which also calls for research and commercialisation of eco-friendly alternatives, such as biodegradable plastics," it said.

Reefcheck Malaysia general manager Julian Hyde told Nature that Yeo's efforts and roadmap was over a realistic time-scale.
"Yeo said that by funding local research and adopting foreign techniques, Malaysia can develop the technology for biodegradable plastic," it said.
The journal featured a quote by Yeo: "Some people think of problems to solutions, and not solutions to the problem... When business as usual is not possible, you find another solution."
Source : The Star Online