
This Southeast Asian Talent Is A 'Human Calculator'!

This Southeast Asian Talent Is A 'Human Calculator'!

When 15-year-old Yaashwin Sarawanan walked onto the stage of Asia’s Got Talent with only a basic calculator, the judges were probably wondering what his special skill could possibly be, New Straits Times reported.

Judge David Foster even bluntly asked: “I don’t see any props here. What is your talent?”

The youngster from Kuala Lumpur confidently answered that he is a “human calculator” and was there to perform some speed mental calculations.

This earned Yaashwin thunderous applause from the audience.

But they hadn’t seen anything yet.

Yaashwin began by handing Foster a calculator and asking him to fire difficult mathematical questions – all of which Yaashwin answered almost instantly and correctly.

Easily solving random and complex multiplication and division problems within seconds, Yasshwin wowed the judges and drove the crowd wild.

At one point, the boy even managed to beat the calculator Foster was using to reveal the correct answer.

Before he began demonstrating his talent, Yasshwin told the judges that he was at the show to prove that maths is fun and easy.

He certainly proved that and received three ‘yesses’ from the judges, which qualified him to enter the next round of the talent show – and commanded a standing ovation from the crowd.

A YouTube video of Yaashwin’s audition has garnered an astounding 724,000 views in just two days. That’s a number the talented young man would certainly be happy with.

Source : New Straits Times

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