
Survey Ranking: The top super app in Southeast Asia in 2022

Survey Ranking: The top super app in Southeast Asia in 2022

The emergence of "super applications" in Southeast Asia over the last few years has been spurred in part by the Covid-19 pandemic.

In January 2022, market research firm Ipsos produced a report based on a survey of 3500 digital service customers aged 18 and up in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines.

According to research, 51% of Southeast Asians said they shop online more frequently, and 1 in 2 said they pay with digital wallets or other cashless methods. According to a recent Ipsos poll, 82 percent of Southeast Asian digital service users ordered food delivery and 43 percent used ride-hailing services.

As a result, Grab has been crowned the greatest super app or super app in Southeast Asia, with Shopee and Lazada following closely behind.

Keterangan Gambar (© Pemilik Gambar)

“We make a list of Super App candidates in each country, then we compare user ratings based on four main indicators, namely user experience, engagement, awareness, and usefulness,” explained Soeprapto Tan, Managing Director of Ipsos in Indonesia, quoted 

A super app is an application that offers a variety of services to fulfill various demands. Ipsos defines a super app as one that offers more than three digital services, such as transportation (ride-hailing), e-commerce, payment, food delivery, grocery shopping, and other services, according to the report. This study did not include any social networking apps.

It created a selection of super apps in each country based on the following criteria.

With an average score of 63 in all six nations surveyed, Grab is regarded the best mega app. Singapore and Vietnam had the highest Grab scores, followed by Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Thailand.

With an average total score of 52, Shopee came in second, followed by Lazada (42), Gojek (22), Tokopedia (14), Traveloka (12), AirAsia (10), BliBli, BukaLapak, and JDID (10), GCash (8), Touch n Go eWallet (7), Lineman (6), Bee (5), and Zig (5). 

Ipsos also provides detailed survey findings for each key metric.

User experience indicators assess an application's usability and user experience, with a score based on a number of factors including discoverability, reliability, simplicity of access, and security. Grab outperformed the other Super Apps in this test, followed by Shopee, Lazada, and Gojek.

The popularity of each Super App is then determined by the awareness indicator. The score is determined by two factors: top of mind recall and total awareness, or which Super App people are most familiar with. The most popular Super App was Grab, which was followed by Shopee and Lazada.



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