
A New Era: Thailand-China Revolutionary Cargo Rail Link

A New Era: Thailand-China Revolutionary Cargo Rail Link
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Thailand and China recently inaugurated a direct cargo rail link connecting Nong Khai to the metropolis of Chongqing via Laos, enabling the efficient transportation of fresh agricultural products. Thamanat Prompow, Thailand's Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, who played a key role in the initiative, officially launched the maiden voyage of a Thai train carrying the country's flagship agricultural product, dried longan. This marks the first milestone of China's New Land-Sea Corridor project, which aims to integrate the rail network across Southeast Asia, China, and Europe.

Chongqing, a megacity in southwest China with a population of more than 31 million, is the focal point of this ambitious project. Through this railway, Thailand can now export its abundant agricultural products not only to China but also to international markets. The inauguration ceremony was attended by prominent companies such as PTT Plc, Global Multimodal Logistics Co Ltd, Pan-Asia Silk Road Co Ltd (PAS), and the State Railway of Thailand.

Meanwhile, in Chongqing, a freight train carrying industrial sodium sulfate began its journey to Thailand. The launch event was presided over by the Vice Mayor of Chongqing and attended by officials from the Thai Consulate in Chengdu and the Lao Embassy.

The Thai train, loaded with delicious fruits such as durian, mangosteen, longan, and coconut, is designed to meet the demands of the Chinese market. The train from China, on the other hand, is carrying sodium sulfate for industrial purposes to contribute to Thailand's industrial sector.

The cargo trains will cross each other along the route, ensuring an efficient exchange of goods and completing the journey within four days. The frequency of this revolutionary service will be adjusted based on the growing demand for these sought-after commodities.

Starting in 2024, the cargo repertoire will be expanded to include frozen chicken, ready to make its way to the consumer market in western China.

This rail link is not just a conventional link; it is an integral part of the ambitious Belt and Road Initiative, forming a complex network connecting Asia with Africa and Europe. As these trains move forward, they symbolize more than just trade activity - they symbolize a world that is becoming smaller, more integrated, and more interconnected.

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