
Southeast Asia's Coffee Giants: Viet Nam and Indonesia Among World's Top Producers

Southeast Asia's Coffee Giants: Viet Nam and Indonesia Among World's Top Producers
Coffee Bean | Photo by Tina Guina | Unsplash

Coffee is a beloved beverage millions enjoy and can be consumed anytime. As one of the largest trade commodities globally, coffee plays a significant role in the world economy, particularly for major coffee-producing countries. Besides its substantial economic benefits, coffee also offers numerous health advantages. It can aid in weight loss, reduce the risk of heart disease, and boost energy levels.

Currently, coffee is a global trend, with almost every country having its unique appeal. You can find coffee shops almost anywhere, and coffee is available in nearly every restaurant you visit. Consequently, the demand for coffee beans is increasing. Therefore, it is essential to know the origins of these coffees and which countries play a significant role in global coffee production.

Read also: Discover Southeast Asia's Most Popular Coffees Here!

Here are the five largest coffee-producing countries in the world:

1. Brazil  

According to Nescafé's official website, Brazil is the largest coffee producer, with an average of 2.68 million metric tons annually. As the world's top coffee producer, Brazil benefits from abundant water sources, favorable geographical conditions (mountains), and suitable rainfall and dry seasons. These factors contribute to Brazil supplying at least one-third of the world's coffee.

2. Vietnam

Vietnam, representing Southeast Asia, is also one of the world's largest coffee producers. With a production of 1.8 million metric tons, Vietnam produces 95% Robusta and 5% Arabica coffee. As a result, almost 40% of the world's Robusta coffee beans are produced in Vietnam.

3. Colombia

Returning to South America, after Brazil, the third-largest coffee producer is Colombia. With an annual coffee production of approximately 760 thousand metric tons, Colombia benefits from a favorable climate and geography. Moreover, the Arabica coffee produced in Colombia is known for its strong aroma and flavor.

Read also: Your Daily Coffee Might Get Pricier - Find Out Why!

4. Indonesia

Following Vietnam, Southeast Asia also boasts Indonesia as a significant coffee producer. Located on the equator, Indonesia is the fourth-largest coffee-producing country in the world, with an annual production of 668 thousand metric tons. Indonesia offers various types of coffee from Sabang (the Western Part of Indonesia) to Merauke (the Eastern Part of Indonesia), Miangas (the Northern Part of Indonesia) to Rote Island (the Southern Part of Indonesia), all known for their high quality and unique flavors and aromas.

5. Ethiopia

Lastly, Ethiopia, the only African country among the top five coffee producers, produces 441 thousand metric tons of coffee annually, contributing 4% to the world's coffee production. Ethiopia offers various types of coffee, each known for its superior quality and taste compared to other African coffees.

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