
Welcome August: Celebrating Independence in Southeast Asia

Welcome August: Celebrating Independence in Southeast Asia
Credit: Canva

August is the middle month leading to the end of the year. For many countries worldwide, August is just an ordinary month, not much different from any other month of the year. However, for some countries, August becomes a month of pride and a unique attraction within the nation. One such reason is the celebration of a country's independence or founding day.

In Southeast Asia, independence or sovereignty marks freedom from colonialism, oppression, and foreign domination. Three countries in Southeast Asia celebrate their independence or autonomy in August.

Here are three Southeast Asian countries that celebrate Independence or Sovereignty in August:


Photo by Bing Hui Yau on Unsplash

Singapore celebrated its Independence on August 9, 1965. Singapore has been part of Malaysia since 1963, after successfully freeing itself from British rule and officially joining the Federation of Malaya (Malaya Peninsula, Sarawak, Singapore, and Sabah). However, political turmoil due to ethnic Chinese discrimination and the Special Rights Policy for Bumiputera residents (the Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia and various indigenous peoples of East Malaysia) led Singapore to separate.

Singapore, located at the southern tip of the Malaysian peninsula, separated from Malaysia in 1965 due to differing political views and ideologies. It officially became a sovereign state on August 9, 1965. Despite being considered a small country, with an area of only 734.3 km², Singapore celebrates its independence with what is known as the Heartland Celebration, featuring military vehicles, police vehicles, and civil defence forces.


Photo by Muhammad Faiz Zulkeflee on Unsplash

Malaysia, Singapore's neighbouring country, celebrates its independence every August 31. Malaysia fought for and gained independence from the British Empire on August 8, 1956, but only officially proclaimed it on August 31, 1957.

On Independence Day, known as Hari Merdeka, the Malaysian government and its citizens enthusiastically participate in and enjoy parades. The Parade Merdeka involves citizens from all walks of life taking to the streets and usually involves hoisting the Jalur Gemilang flag.


Photo by Rizky Rahmat Hidayat on Unsplash

Indonesia officially gained independence from the Netherlands on August 17, 1945. Now 79 years old, Indonesia fought through many obstacles to achieve its freedom after being colonised by the Dutch for approximately 3.5 centuries. Independence marked Indonesia’s release from colonialism and its emergence as a fully sovereign nation respected worldwide.

In celebration of independence, Indonesians typically engage in various competitions starting from mid-July. These include sports tournaments (volleyball, soccer, futsal, badminton, etc.) and traditional games (tug-of-war, sack races, marble spoon races, clog races, etc.). Additionally, students from elementary to high school participate in mandatory flag ceremonies at their respective schools.

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