
Clean Air Fund: The Philanthropic Organization That Explores Partnership with Jakarta Environmental Agency for Cleaner Air

Clean Air Fund: The Philanthropic Organization That Explores Partnership with Jakarta Environmental Agency for Cleaner Air
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Jakarta is not only the capital city but also the economic center of Indonesia. This status makes Jakarta a bustling city with a very high societal mobility. The activities and mobility of Jakarta's residents inevitably require adequate transportation modes. Additionally, the extensive industrial movements and low rainfall during the dry season exacerbate Jakarta's challenge in managing air pollution.

According to IQAir's official website, the air quality in Jakarta has reached an unhealthy and uninhabitable category. This situation has also ranked Jakarta as the third most polluted city in the world.

In response, through the DKI Jakarta Environmental Agency, the Jakarta government has collaborated with the philanthropic organization Clean Air Fund via the Breathe Jakarta Program to improve the city's air quality. Asep Kuswanto, Head of the DKI Jakarta Environmental Agency, expressed hopes that the support from the Clean Air Fund would enhance the effectiveness of emission monitoring programs and public awareness campaigns.

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What is the Clean Air Fund?

Clean Air Fund is a global philanthropic organization working with governments, funders, businesses, and campaigners to create a future where everyone breathes clean air. The organization believes that air pollution is the greatest threat to public health globally. As one of the world's largest philanthropic organizations, the Clean Air Fund dedicates itself to tackling air pollution through changes starting from grassroots levels to the central government.

Clean Air Fund combats air pollution by funding organizations worldwide to build clean air initiatives, engaging and supporting decision-makers to act for clean air, and strengthening efforts to maintain air quality. They also work professionally with communities disproportionately affected by air pollution.

Sean Maguire, Executive Director of Strategic Partnerships at Clean Air Fund, stated that the organization believes in the potential of collaboration. Reflecting on their previous partnership with the London government, the Clean Air Fund successfully encouraged the government to transition from yellow taxis to more environmentally friendly transportation options.

Causes of Air Pollution

Vehicle Emissions

Community activities are inseparable from transportation modes. Motor vehicles significantly contribute to air pollution in Jakarta. The lack of public awareness about using public transportation and the increasing number of motor vehicles entering Jakarta could be a nightmare for the city's future.

Industrial Activities

Besides vehicle emissions, industrial activities are another major contributor to air pollution. Industrial waste and factory vehicles' mobility heighten air pollution levels, making cities unhealthy.

Dry Season

In addition to human activities, air pollution can also be caused naturally. Prolonged dry seasons can be a factor because hot weather and low rainfall can degrade air quality in a city.

Wind Movements

Wind movements can also increase air pollution in a city. During monsoon winds, dry air from the east can affect Jakarta's air quality, making it dry and polluted.

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Clean Air Fund's Plans

Sean Maguire, Executive Director of Strategic Partnerships at Clean Air Fund, mentioned plans to open an Indonesian representative office to strengthen collaboration efforts. Local presence is crucial to ensuring the smooth implementation of programs and adopting the best solutions.

Moreover, public education about the consequences of air pollution is still minimal. Clean Air Fund is thus initiating collaborations, particularly focusing on education regarding health and environmental issues.

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