
Pope Francis’s Powerful Message on Tolerance and Harmony During His Landmark Visit to Indonesia

Pope Francis’s Powerful Message on Tolerance and Harmony During His Landmark Visit to Indonesia
Pope Francis and President Joko Widodo at Merdeka Palace | Photo by HENDRA A SETYAWAN/ INDONESIA PAPAL VISIT COMMITTEE | on

On Wednesday, September 4, 2024, at approximately 09:35 AM Western Indonesian Time, the leader of the worldwide Catholic Church, Pope Francis, arrived at the State Palace in Central Jakarta. The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo welcomed His Holiness Pope Francis.

In addition, Pope Francis was greeted by a group of children within the State Palace grounds, dressed in traditional attire from various regions of Indonesia, waving the flags of Indonesia and the Vatican.

The Holy Father, Pope Francis, arrived at the State Palace in Central Jakarta in a vehicle bearing the license plate SCV 1 (Status Civitatis Vaticanae 1). Upon his arrival at the State Palace, Pope Francis and the President of the Republic of Indonesia proceeded directly to the main courtyard to participate in an official state welcoming ceremony, marked by a 21-gun salute.

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Welcoming Delegations

Following the state welcoming ceremony, President Joko Widodo and Pope Francis introduced their respective delegations. President Joko Widodo first introduced Prabowo Subianto, Minister of Defense and President-elect of the Republic of Indonesia.

He was followed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Retno Marsudi; the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Cultural Affairs, Muhadjir Effendy; the State Secretary, Pratikno; the Minister of Religious Affairs, Yaqut Cholil Qoumas; the Cabinet Secretary, Pramono Anung; the Indonesian Ambassador to the Vatican, Trian Kuncahyono; and the Head of the Committee for Pope Francis' Visit, Ignatius Jonan.

Meanwhile, the delegation accompanying His Holiness Pope Francis included officials from the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue of the Holy See, the Chairman of the Indonesian Bishops' Conference (KWI), Mgr. Antonius Bunjamin, Mgr. Ignatius Cardinal Suharyo, and the Apostolic Nuncio of the Holy See to Indonesia, Mgr. Piero Pioppo, along with other representatives of the Holy See.

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Discussion Between the Pope and the President

After the welcoming ceremony, President Joko Widodo and Pope Francis continued their conversation on the Veranda of the Merdeka Palace, accompanied by the Vatican delegation and the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi. Before this, Pope Francis had also signed the official guest book in the Credentials Room of the Merdeka Palace.

Following their conversation on the Veranda of the Merdeka Palace, Pope Francis and President Joko Widodo delivered their speeches before government officials, civil society representatives, and the diplomatic corps. The Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma’ruf Amin, was also present during the speech.

In his speech, President Joko Widodo informed the Holy Father that Indonesia is home to 714 ethnic groups and 17,000 inhabited islands, representing a wide diversity of religions, cultures, customs, and ethnicities. This diversity is a symbol of tolerance, serving as the foundation for unity and peace within the nation.

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Message in the State Address

Meanwhile, the Holy Father stated that the principles of *Bhinneka Tunggal Ika* (Unity in Diversity), Social Justice, and Divine Blessings are key in inspiring and guiding the social order. These principles form the supporting structure and foundation for building a society, and they resonate deeply with the motto of my visit to Indonesia: Faith, Fraternity, Compassion.

Furthermore, President Joko Widodo emphasized the spirit of peace and tolerance, which serves as the guiding principles of the Indonesian nation. He affirmed that diversity is a blessing, and tolerance is the foundation for unity and peace.

Indonesia is fortunate to have a strong spirit of peace and tolerance. *Pancasila* and *Bhinneka Tunggal Ika* enable all Indonesians to live in harmony. However, President Joko Widodo also acknowledged that unrest continues to exist in other parts of the world.

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Message of Peace and Tolerance

Conflicts and wars, including those in Palestine, have claimed more than 40,000 lives. President Joko Widodo expressed deep appreciation for the Holy See's consistent call for peace in Palestine. He also urged all parties to strengthen and elevate the power of tolerance to uphold peace.

In closing his speech, Pope Francis said that harmony is achieved when we commit not only to our interests and visions but also to the common good by building bridges, strengthening agreements and synergies, uniting efforts to overcome all forms of moral, economic, and social suffering, and promoting peace and harmony. May God bless Indonesia with peace for a future filled with hope. God bless you all!

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