
What is Gen Z's Favorite Social Media Platform?

What is Gen Z's Favorite Social Media Platform?
Credit: Freepik

According to a Statista survey, YouTube is the most widely used social media platform among Gen Z, with 96% of global active users by 2023. In contrast, Facebook's popularity among Gen Z has declined significantly, with only 40% of respondents to the survey reportedly still actively using the platform.

Most Used Social Media Types in Southeast Asia

There are notable differences in social media usage across ASEAN countries. While social media usage is generally high, platform preferences vary.

The 2023 Statista survey revealed significant differences in social media platform usage among Generation Z in Southeast Asia. Instant messaging apps are preferred in Indonesia (87%) and Malaysia (81%), while social networks such as Facebook remain the most popular in Vietnam, the Philippines, and Thailand, with penetration rates of 83%, 79%, and 78% in 2023, respectively.

TikTok's Rapidly Growing Popularity

TikTok's penetration in Asia Pacific has grown exponentially, especially among Gen Z. In Thailand, for example, Gen Z shows a strong preference for the platform. According to Statista, an average of 29% of the country's Gen Z population spends between two and four hours a day engaging with TikTok content.

A similar trend can be seen in Malaysia and Vietnam, where TikTok has a wide advertising reach and significant penetration. By 2022, the platform will be the most downloaded social app in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand.

According to Marketing-Interactive, Southeast Asia's dynamic culture has made TikTok more than just a social media platform - it has become a cultural phenomenon closely tied to the digitization of Gen Z. For many in this generation, TikTok serves as a tool to connect, learn, and engage with their favorite creators and brands.

With the rise of social commerce, shopping on TikTok has also become increasingly popular, although most consumers still research outside the app before making a purchase. TikTok is also slowly starting to challenge YouTube's dominance, with a 70% increase in usage since 2021, causing other streaming platforms to stagnate in the region.

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