
Top Countries by Number of Native Chinese Speakers, 2024

Thailand Becomes the Country with the Most Native Chinese Speakers in Southeast Asia in 2024!

According to, last updated in July 2024, Thailand is the country with the highest number of native Mandarin speakers in Southeast Asia. This includes Mandarin, Cantonese, and other dialects. The term “Chinese” refers to a group of related languages or dialects spoken primarily by the Han people, the largest ethnic group in China, originating from Greater China.

Standard Chinese, also known as Mandarin, is the official language of mainland China, Taiwan, and one of the official languages of Singapore. It is based on the Beijing dialect of Mandarin. In Hong Kong and Macau, Cantonese is the most widely spoken variety of Mandarin.

In Southeast Asia, Thailand has the most native Chinese speakers, with a total of 8,832,000 speakers, ranking 3rd in the world after China and Taiwan. Malaysia ranks 5th with 3,671,000 speakers, Singapore is 6th with 3,077,000, the Philippines is 8th with 2,347,000, and Vietnam is 9th with 1,384,000 speakers.

Rafa Sukoco

An Indonesian, born into a multiethnic family, with a passion for traveling, culinary experiences, and delving into history and religion. Enjoying life through listening and sharing stories.
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