
World's Top Car Markets: The Southeast Asian Rankings 2017

World's Top Car Markets: The Southeast Asian Rankings 2017
Las Vegas Muscle Car © Digital Macdaddy Photography

In 2017, the Global Light Vehicles (cars plus light commercial vehicles) sales have been 93.6 million (final data), up 2.3% from the previous year.

Out of the 150 markets Focus2move cover with data by brand and model, the ranking of Top 100 Markets shows all changes year over year.

Ecuador, was recorded as the fastest growing market in the world.

From the top 100 list, in the table below, you may find the rankings of all Southeast Asian nations.

Their rank isn't that bad, anyway.

RANK 2017 RANK 2016 BRAND SALES 2017 SALES 2016
17 17 Indonesia 1.048.819 1.021.113
20 21 Thailand 687.002 603.291
22 23 Malaysia 564.983 569.349
27 29 Philippines 467.756 396.133
39 36 Vietnam 237.406 271.864
56 54 Singapore 95.568 93.584
78 74 Laos 31.899 37.243
94 96 Brunei 12.387 13.247

Other important highlights within the rankings are as following details:

↘ The ranking of the Top 100 market begins with China (28.2 million vehicles) and ends with Macedonia (with 9.180 units).

↘ The top 11 markets ranking is unchanged from the previous year, with Brazil (+9.2%) and Italy (+9.0%) as best performers. In 12th place in marginal recover Russia (+11.9%) followed by the fast mover Iran (+15.3%).

↘ Among the fastest growing markets are Argentina (19th), Philippines (27th), Chile (31st), Pakistan (38th), Hungary (50th), Ecuador (preliminary data, 55th) and Ukraine (58th)

Source :Focus2move Official Website

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