
Southeast Asian Nations In World's Peaceful Countries Index

Southeast Asian Nations In World's Peaceful Countries Index
Photo by Eddie Kopp on Unsplash

The latest Global Peace Index 2018 was conducted by Australia-based think tank Institute for Economics and Peace, which studied the peace and order situation in 163 countries.

The results of the 2018 GPI find that the global level of peace has deteriorated by 0.27 per cent in the last year, marking the fourth successive year of deteriorations.

Ninety-two countries deteriorated, while 71 countries improved. The 2018 GPI reveals a world in which the tensions, conflicts, and crises that emerged in the past decade remain unresolved, especially in the Middle East, resulting in this gradual, sustained fall in peacefulness.

The Southeast Asian rankings, in a separate note, ranked as below:

Keterangan Gambar (© Pemilik Gambar)

Singapore remains the most peaceful Southeast Asian country, followed by Malaysia, Indonesia, Timor-Leste, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand respectively.

In the Asia-Pacific region as a whole, the Philippines is only more peaceful than North Korea, which was the 150th most peaceful country in a ranking of 163 countries.

Iceland retained its rank as the most peaceful country in the world, while Syria retained its rank as the least peaceful.

Source :  The Global Peace Index 2018 full report

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