
RANKED: The 20 Best Countries In The World In 2019

RANKED: The 20 Best Countries In The World In 2019
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According to a study, conducted by US News & World Report in partnership with Y&R’s BAVand Wharton,  80 countries’ overall rankings on the 20 best countries in 2019 were measured based “on 75 different metrics.

Each of those metrics was then placed into one of nine subcategories that included:

1. A good job market

2. Affordability

3. Economic stability

4. Family friendly

5. Income equality

6. Politically stable

7. Safety

8. Well-developed public health system

9. Well-developed public education system

The 2019 Best Countries report and rankings are based on how global perceptions define countries in terms of a number of qualitative characteristics, impressions that have the potential to drive trade, travel and investment and directly affect national economies.

On top of the list, Switzerland was ranked the first for two consecutive years now. It’s also one of the world’s wealthiest countries and has been well-known for centuries for its neutrality.

And herewith is the Top 20 Best Countries In The World 2019 list:

1. Switzerland

2. Japan

3. Canada

4. Germany

5. UK

 6. Sweden

7. Australia

 8. USA

 9. Norway

 10. France

11. Netherlands

 12. New Zealand

 13. Denmark

 14. Finland


 16. China

 17. Belgium

 18. Italy

 19. Luxembourg

 20. Spain

Other Southeast Asian states listed within the rankings are as following details:
Keterangan Gambar (© Pemilik Gambar)

Source :  U.S. News & World Report L.P.

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